Enjoy K-Snacks and a dash of Korean fun!

예약 기간 : 2024.06.21 금 - 2024.09.30 월

투숙 기간 : 2024.06.21 금 - 2024.09.30 월

KRW 130,000 ~
부가세 별도

패키지 정보

One room / Nongshim bakery snack 2EA / Mentos sparkling water 2EA

패키지 상세보기

주중 (일-목)
주말 (금-토)
Standard double / Deluxe twin
130,000 ~
170,000 ~


10% VAT will be added to the amount above.

Depending on the hotel situation, the special gift may be changed or this special rate terminated early.

All gifts offered with this package benefit will be offered once per stay only.

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